

Page history last edited by jonny 15 years, 5 months ago

This website is meant to provide a FAQ for WIPT AE. I will start with a few topics that seem to be most frequently asked, hopefully it will grow.


Please avoid commenting, (it will screw up the search engine) edit the actual page if you know what you are talking about. This is not meant to be a forum or a place to discuss strategy, but a spot to post answers to frequent questions. Please keep everything concise, (by providing outside forum-links to detailed answers, etc.). The more concise we keep it the more user-friendly it will remain.




Instructions for format:


It is best to add a link to a new page inside the main section. This keeps the main sections uncluttered. For example I add an answer to a question about air transport plane capacity. Under "Air Combat" I select add new link. I create a new page labeled "Air Transport Capacity." I answer the question within the new page.


When readers look at the Air combat section they will only see the link, they must click on the link to read both the question and the answer.


Unlike the Forum, the search function seems to work here, so a simple search should bring the appropriate page up for those who need a quick fix. In that vein, authors of answers may wish to add a short segment below the body of their text, in the new page, of keywords the reader may think of while trying to figure out the answer. In the case of the Air Transport question, the author may wish to list a few most commonly used transport aircraft, or other words the reader may be thinking while frustrated.

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